Department for Education and Skills (DfES)
Caxton House
Tothill Street
London SW1H 9FN
Phone: (+44) (0) 870 000 2288
You can get more advice about studying in the UK from:
The Council for International Education provides advice and information to international students studying or planning to study in the UK, their family, teachers and other advisors:
The Council for International Education
9-17 St Albans Place
London N1 0NX
British Council
The British Council provides information to help international students prepare for study in the UK. This link will take you to the British Council's "First Steps" guidance on preparing for entry clearance:
More information about studying in the UK is available from:
Bridgewater House
58 Whitworth Street
Manchester M1 6BB
You can get more advice and information about visas from:
London SW1A 2AH
General enquiries: (+44) (0)20 7008 8438
Application forms: (+44) (0)20 7008 8308
Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND)
You can get more advice and information about extending your stay once you are in the UK from:
Croydon Public Caller Unit
Lunar House
40 Wellesley Road
Croydon CR9 2BY
General enquiries: (+44) (0)870 606 7766
Application forms: (+44) (0)870 241 0645
Immigration Advisory Service (IAS)
The IAS is an independent charity that gives confidential advice and help, and can represent people who are applying for a visa for the UK.
3rd Floor, County House
190 Great Dover Street
London SE1 4YB
Phone: (+44) (0)20 7967 1200
Duty Office (24 hrs): (+44) (0)20 8814 1559
Fax: (+44) (0)20 7403 5875
Revenue and Customs
Advice on bringing personal belongings and goods into the United Kingdom can be obtained from:
Dorset House
Stamford Street
London SE1 9PY
Phone: (+44) (0)845 010 9000
Health insurance
If you come from a country with a health-care agreement with the UK, or if you are enrolled on a course for more than six months, you may be able to get medical treatment on the National Health Service (NHS). Short-term students who are in the UK for six months or less are not entitled to free medical treatment, and you will have to pay for any treatment you get. Please make sure you have enough health insurance for the whole of your stay.
Drugs warning
Anyone found smuggling drugs into the UK will face serious penalties. Drug traffickers may try to bribe travellers. If you are travelling to the UK, avoid any involvement with drugs.
Forged or destroyed documents
Travellers to the UK may commit an offence if they do not produce valid travel documents or passports to the UK immigration authorities for themselves and their children. People found guilty of this offence face up to two years in prison or a fine (or both).
Alternative formats
In the UK we also have versions of our guidance notes in Braille, on audio tape and in large print. If you would like any guidance notes in one of these formats, please contact:
London SW1A 2AH
Phone: (+44) (0)20 7008 8308